Elementary Resources
The teachers and staff at LBJE want you to know that we love you and miss you! Please let us know if you need help with anything, our contact information is at the bottom of this page.
This is a new way to learn and do things but we've learned all year about having a growth mindset and learning in new ways. Let's pledge to keep our growth mindset by repeating this each day. Say it with us:
Questions about content or resources?
Email ahaley@jcisd.txed.net lflowers@jcisd.txed.net
From 8-4 Monday- Friday please call the school at 830-868-4028 for any assistace you may need, please leave a message. Even if a staff memeber does not answer we are checking the messages regularly.
Google Voice calls: 210-802-8497
**Parents may reach Mrs. Haley- 7AM-8:30PM- Monday- Friday, with this Google Voice number in case of emergency.**
Need Tech Support? Email support@jcisd.txed.net